Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Quick Recap of the 2012 FHS Meeting

The 2012 AFS-FHS annual meeting was held in La Crosse, WI in July. Twelve students presented their research at this meeting. Student presentations ranged from treatments to eliminate Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) from baitfish to great egrets as potential vectors of Aeromonas hydrophila. A full list of abstracts can be found here

There were five S.F. Snieszko student travel awards given this year to defray the cost of travel to the meeting. In addition, all student presentations were judged by a panel of professionals. At the end of the meeting, awards were given to the student speakers with the highest points. Congratulations to Nick Phelps (University of Minnesota) who won first place and Amy Long (University of Idaho) who won second place.

A student-professional lunch social held on the first day of the meeting. The goal of the social was to introduce students to each other and to professionals. We also aimed to encourage a dialogue that continued throughout the meeting. Nine professionals sat down with students and discussed their career paths and gave advice on finding jobs and postdoctoral positions.

Thanks to all the students who participated in this meeting. We'll see you in Port Townsend in 2013!

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