Monday, July 28, 2014

ISAAH-7 Update


Plans are underway for student activities at ISAAH-7. If you haven't already registered for the meeting, make sure to do so soon. You can find information about student activities and more at the ISAAH-7 student webpage.

There's still space available in both the Student Professional Development workshop and the Mentoring Social. If you've already registered for the meeting but did not sign up for those events and are interested in attending, please contact the Student Subsection committee.

For any students looking for a roommate to help defray costs, the Student Subsection has put together a Google doc for people seeking roommates.

Finally, the Student Subsection still needs mentors to participate in the student mentoring workshop at ISAAH-7. The workshop is scheduled for Monday, September 1st, from 6-9 pm at the Hilton. Appetizers and drinks will be provided to all participants.

We're looking for professionals from academia, industry, federal agencies, and post-docs. If you'd like to participate, please contact Amy Long at

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