Thursday, October 3, 2013

Workshop Survey for the 2014 ISAAH Meeting

Hello everyone!

The 2014 International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health (ISAAH) will be
held from August 31st – September 4th, 2014 in Portland, OR. The FHS Student
Subsection is organizing a workshop geared toward students and young
professionals that will take place during the meeting.

The Student Subsection has come up with six potential workshops and we are
now taking a poll to determine which workshop will be held. Please follow the link
below to read a description of each potential workshop. You will then be asked to
rank the workshops in the order that you are most likely to participate. The poll
will be open until November 1st, 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah McConnachie and Amy Long at There is also space on the poll to leave
comments. The Student Subsection wants to make this workshop as beneficial to
students/young professionals as possible and we welcome all feedback.

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